Thursday, 12 March 2015

Comic Relief Crafternoon

On Sunday, I held a Crafternoon where friends and friends of friends came over to mine and I taught them my skills in crafting and got them to make a Mother's Day card, gift bag, gift tag and gift box.

We used a variety of products and they were persuaded to bring their own craft stuff too, one lady nearly brought her entire craft room which was lovely as some of the things were unopened as she had no idea how to use them, and helping her was fab.

There was even a gentleman crafter who put us all to shame and set the creative bar high!

We made so many lovely things and ended up making £40 for Comic Relief/Red Nose Day which is fantastic! 

They even said they want to come again! Maybe this is the start of something new and exciting as I've always wanted to teach craft classes!

Watch this space ;)

1 comment:

  1. Loti what a fabulous idea and I love what you all made!
